Mystic Meditation Sorceress Playmat
Mystic Meditation Sorceress Playmat
Elevate your game with the serene power of our Mystic Meditation Sorceress Playmat! This enchanting playmat features a white-haired sorceress in deep meditation at the peak of a mountain. A small golden glow of magic illuminates from one hand, casting a gentle light around her. The clouds swirl and begin to glow with the same golden magic, creating a breathtaking scene of tranquillity and power. Perfect as a gift for any trading card game enthusiast, this playmat combines the calm of meditation with the awe of magical prowess. Enhance your gameplay with the Mystic Meditation Sorceress Playmat and let her peaceful strength guide your victories!
Non-slip Rubber Playmat
Product Materials: Rubber & Polyurethane
Fabric Product Dimensions: 14x24 inches / 65x30CM
Product Thickness: 0.08 inches / 0.2CM
Production Tech: Thermal Transfer Printing
Product Care: Playmat is not waterproof
Product Quality: High-Resolution Image & Stitched Edges for higher durability.
Production note: Coloration from our pictures may be different from what you receive. We do our best to get it as accurate as we can.
Artist's transparency note: All our playmat designs are AI-assisted art. The base art is made by AI from our prompt engineering, and we alter the quality and color from what it makes. This still takes a lot of time, but we want to be transparent about what you are purchasing.